Starting a new E-commerce business in this beautiful, community-driven, mountain town has been amazing for us. Several Gunnison Valley businesses have rallied to support our growing jerky business, and we couldn't feel more welcomed.
When we decided to go all in on starting a beef jerky store in Gunnison, Colorado, pickings were slim for a retail space to call our own. We weren't surprised though, because what business doesn't want to be in the lovely, bustling downtown area of Gunnison!
While we're waiting for another place to open up, Gunnison Jerky Co. will be an online-only store. It's a challenge in some ways, but thanks to our supportive retail partners, our jerky will be available for Gunnison, Crested Butte, and Montrose locals and visitors to enjoy all year long!
Meet Our Awesome Retail Partners

We're Proud to Be a Member of the Gunnison Community!
Sincere thanks to our wonderful retail partners and the Gunnison Chamber of Commerce for making Gunnison Jerky Co. feel so welcome! We appreciate you all.
When you're in the area of these fine establishments, give them a visit!
If you're interested in selling Gunnison Jerky Co.'s beef jerky at your awesome enterprise, please fill out our Wholesale Contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Follow us on social media @gunnisonjerkyco and remember to sign up on our Insider List for more exciting news, adventure stories, and tips plus 15% off your first order with Gunnison Jerky Co.!